Get Pics Aamir Khan Learns 'Dhobi Pachad' For New Upcoming movie Dangal

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Aamir Khan is presently occupied with the school assignment work of his next film Dangal. The actor are seen enjoying the character of a battler within the film, has learnt a replacement move referred to as “Dhobi Pachad.”
Aamir was happy to the point that he got the move, that he got somebody to catch him performing the move and he has been revealing to it to everybody on his Mobile.During the excellent prep work of Dangal, Aamir learnt this new move and now can perform it at one go.

Said an insider, "Aamir was truly resolved to get the move right. He is extremely pleased that he got it redress after thorough get ready additionally, practice. Aamir has been honing this particular move throughout the previous 10 days."

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